I am passionate about ensuring the success of our schools and our children.
Now, more than ever, we need strong leadership guiding our schools through unprecedented challenges.
As a mother of five children, I understand that children learn and comprehend in different ways and need strong schools to achieve success. From president of the PTA and member of school site council, to booster clubs, fundraising, and volunteering in the classroom, I have been involved in all aspects of our schools.
As a school board trustee for 13 years, I’ve worked hard to bring resources to the classroom, meet the fiscal challenges of recessions, built several new schools, and fought for policies that put our children first.
As your board member, I encouraged parents to share their concerns. Together, we saw first-hand that this engagement changed the direction of district policies and actions.
I also fostered a new level of engagement between our district and the city, bringing elected leaders together so that decisions are made with our families as the priority.
My family has dedicated our lives to public service. I work hard for our children every day and will continue to do so.
I ask for your vote.